General Characteristics of Organisms

General Characteristics of Organisms
Fruit and seeds
Fruit is one of the plant organs that functions:
Save food reserves
Breeding tool because it contains seeds
Fruit is the growth of ovaries after fertilization. Seeds are new individual candidates that grow inside the fruit, consisting of endoperm wrapped by seed coat.

Plant Organisms
Plants refer to organisms that are included in Regnum Plantae. In it enter all the organisms that are very commonly known to people such as trees, shrubs, terna, grasses, ferns, mosses, and a number of green algae. About 350,000 species of organisms are included, not counting green algae. Of that number, 258,650 species are flowering plants and 18,000 species of mosses. Almost all plant members are autotrophic, and get energy directly from sunlight through the process of photosynthesis. Because the color green is very dominant in members of this kingdom, another name used is Viridiplantae ("green plant"). Another name is Metaphyta.
The characteristic that is easily recognized in plants is the dominant green color due to the content of chlorophyll pigments which play a vital role in the process of capturing energy through photosynthesis. Thus, plants in general are autotrophic. Some exceptions, such as some parasitic plants, are the result of adaptation to a unique way of life and environment. Because of its autotrophic nature, plants always occupy the first position in the energy flow chain through living organisms (food chains).
Plants are stationary or can not move on their own volition, although some green algae are motile (able to move) because they have flagellum. As a result of its passive nature, plants must physically adapt to environmental changes and the disturbance they receive. Morphological variation in plants is far greater than other members of the kingdom. In addition, plants produce a lot of secondary metabolites as a survival mechanism for environmental changes or intruders. Reproduction is also affected by this trait.

At the cellular level, cell walls composed of cellulose, hemicellulose, and pectin are characteristic, although in simple plants sometimes they are only composed of pectin. Only plant cells have plastids; also large vacuoles and often dominate cell volume.
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General Characteristics of Organisms
Organisms are living things consisting of many interrelated components and work together to achieve a common goal. Organisms come in various sizes, shapes and lifestyles, but they all share some of the same characteristics. All organisms need food (nutrition) and remove waste, grow, multiply and eventually, die.
The characteristics that are commonly found in many organisms are as follows:
Requires nutrition / food
Sensitive to stimuli
Adapt, and there is a chemical composition
Removing waste

Autotrophs are plants and some types of bacteria that make their own food to feed themselves and to help them grow. This means that they receive and absorb important ingredients for food formation.
For plants they create food through photosynthesis. In this process, nutrition of raw materials and minerals that they have obtained are collected into special cells. These cells then absorb sunlight and convert them into energy to be able to assist in food conversion. Thus they make their own food for their own consumption, most recently autotrophs, better known as producers.
Green plants are organisms that are able to make their own food through the process of photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the process of forming organic compounds from inorganic compounds with the help of light. Photosynthesis reactions occur in chlorophyll. Simply put, the process of photosynthesis can be formulated:
6 CO2 + 6 H2O produces C6H12O6 + 6 O2 + Energy
The results of photosynthesis in the form of glucose (carbohydrates) which are used by plants themselves. The glucose produced will be converted into starch or starch and stored as food reserves. These food reserves can be consumed by humans and animals. Not all green plants that can carry out photosynthesis are autotrophic organisms. There are certain plants that get food by breaking down other organisms, although these plants have chlorophyll, for example semar bags, Utricularia sp, and Drosera sp. This plant belongs to the group of heterotrophic organisms.