Attach the Buds of a Plant to Another Plant Stem

Attach the Buds of a Plant to Another Plant Stem
Graft: is a reproduction by making the branches of plant stems rooted. how, some of the bark removed, and wrapped using soil. After being wrapped, tie the package tightly. So that air and water can enter, we can provide small bowls on the package. In grafted branches, roots will grow and ready to be planted into new plants. grafted plants must be cambium stems. This transplant aims to produce the same plants as the parent. (example: mango, guava and rambutan).
Ducking: is a technique for breeding plants by bowing plant stems to the ground in the hope that roots will grow. After the roots arise, then the stems can be cut and moved to another place. (Example: can be used on natural plants)

Paste (grafting): attach the buds of a plant to another plant stem. This grafting aims to combine two plants which have different properties. And in the end will produce plants that have two types of fruit or flowers.
Connect (Enten): is to connect two living plant networks, so that both join and grow and develop into one combined plant. to connect aims to unite the two superior properties of different plants in order to produce the best quality plants.

Sexual Development in Organisms, Generative reproduction or breeding involves the fusion (fertilization) of two kinds of gamete cells, sperm (male gametes) and ovum (female gametes). Individuals that are formed will inherit the two parent traits which will bring out the prominent traits. The genetic combination in sexual reproduction increases genetic variation at the species level. Sexual reproduction produces new individuals who are not exactly the same parents. Based on where gametes meet, reproduction can be divided into;

Internal Fertilization
Melting of male gamete cells and female gamete cells occurs in the body of female animals. In this mechanism animals will be equipped with copulation tools. This copulation tool will help deliver gamete cell encounters. The penis is a copulation tool in some males, and the vagina is a copulation tool in female animals. Male animals release millions of gamete cells through copulation tools into female reproductive organs. Then these sperm cells will "run" looking for the presence of an ovum, only one sperm can fertilize an egg. Based on how the development of the embryo can be divided into:

Laying Eggs (OVIPAR)
The embryo will develop outside the mother's body with a crested structure. Embryo eggs will be removed from the parent body. This shell is composed of lime which protects the embryo egg from water loss. Developing outside the body does not inhibit embryonic development. Embryo eggs have been equipped with yellow sacs (yolksacs) which are nutrients to supply the development of the embryo while in the shell. Animals have varying time in embryonic development, this can be addressed by the size of the egg.
The larger the size of the egg, the larger the yellow sac, meaning that the development of the embryo is getting longer. It takes heat in the process of embryo growth in the shell, therefore, the mother will do a way to warm the child in the egg. Some mothers incubate their eggs (chickens, birds, other poultry) and some bury them in sand or leaf heaps (turtles, snakes, etc.). Some mothers will wait until their offspring hatch, and some leave their offspring.

Childbirth (VIVIPAR)
The embryo develops in the body of the female parent (uterus). The embryo will get food supply from the parent blood vessels through the placental connection. The embryo will develop in the womb of the female parent in the period of pregnancy, which varies greatly in time for each animal.
Example: most mammals, including humans.

Egg-laying birth (OVOVIVIPAR)
A combination between laying eggs and giving birth. In this development, the embryo is stored in an eggless body in the body. These eggs are equipped with yellow sacs to supply the development of the embryo. Until the specified time, these eggs break apart in the body of the female parent, and exit the female body. Example: several reptiles (lizards, etc.).