Meristem Network Characteristics

Meristem Network Characteristics
The vacuole is found both in plant cells and in animal cells, but in cells
plants appear larger and clearer especially in older cells.
The vacuole in a plant cell is surrounded by a single membrane called a tonoplast.
Plant cell vacuoles generally contain water, phenols, anthocyanins, and alkaloids

As has been stated, that the network is a collection of cells that have the same form and function. The branch of biology that deals specifically with tissue is called histology. In the discussion of these tissues, tissue tissue in animals will first be revealed, then tissue in plants.

Plant tissue
Tissue in plants can be divided into meristem tissue, tissue
adult, supporting network, transport network, and cork network.

a. Variety of Plant Networks
1) Meristem Network
Meristem tissue is young tissue where cells always divide or
meristematic. This tissue is only found in certain parts of the plant.

Meristem network characteristics:
- Located in a collection of thin-walled cells
- The shape and size are relatively similar
- Rich in protoplasm
- Generally have small vacuoles.

The meristem network is divided into two types, namely:
a) Primary meristems, namely meristems whose cells are a direct development of embryonal cells so that it is a continuation of embryonic growth. For example the tip of the stem and the tip of the root. The meristems at the root and root ends of the trunk are called apical meristems.
b) Secondary meristems, i.e. meristems originating from adult tissues that have held differentiation. For example cork cambium and cambium that occur from the parenchyma or parenchyma base tissue.

Adult Network
Adult tissue is a network that has undergone differentiation. On
generally adult tissue does not divide. The adult network consists of:
a) Epidermal tissue, which is the outermost tissue that covers the entire surface.
b) Parenchymal tissue, often called the basic network because it is formed from a basic meristem. Based on the shape, parenchyma can be divided into several types, namely:
a) Palisade parenchyma, its shape is elongated, upright and contains a lot of chlorophyll. This parenchyma is a constituent of leaf mesophyll.
b) Spongy parenchyma, irregular shape and arrangement of cells, the space between cells is relatively large.
c) Star parenchyma, has a star-like shape, the edges are interconnected so that they have a lot of space between cells.
d) Parenchyma folds, cell walls make folds towards the inside and contain lots of chloroplasts.

Support Network
Support networks are also called reinforcing or stereomic networks.
The main function of this network is to strengthen the body parts of plants, this network consists of kolenkim and skelerenkim.
a) Kolenkim, is a supporting network or reinforcement in young body tissues and old organs in soft plants, elongated shape with thickening of the walls that are not evenly distributed in the corners.
b) Sklerenkim, is a reinforcing network or sometimes as a protective tissue, the cells experience secondary thickening with lignin or woody material. The sklerenkim network consists of sklerenkim fibers. Examples of sclerenkim, for example on corn stalks. Examples of sklereid for example in tea leaf pteolus and coconut shell and candlenut.

Carrier network
Carrier network is a plant network that functions to transport or transport substances. This network consists of xylem or wooden vessels and phloem or filter vessels. Xylem is a complex network, which can consist of xylem cells, fiber cells, and parenchyma cells. Xylem cells and fibrous cells generally experience thickening of woody material and die. The xylem cells have become elongated and form vessels. Xylem serves to transport minerals and water from the soil to the leaves. Phloem, is a complex network consisting of escort cells, parenchyma, and fibers. The function of phloem is to transport photosynthesis.